2018年2月14日 星期三



31 Supporters worried that the revelation of the scandal may ___ the reputation of their preferred legislator candidate.

•ans: d

candidate 候選人

•reveal 揭露;洩露;透露;公開
–He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians. 他因為向俄國人洩密而被監禁。
•revelation /ˌrev.əˈleɪ.ʃən/
–His wife divorced him after the revelation that he was having an affair. 他的婚外情暴露後,他的妻子和他離了婚。

•scandal 醜聞

reputation 名譽;聲望;名望

獲得...名聲: get/ earn/ gain/ acquire/ establish/ win + a reputation + for/as
•Over the years, the company has gained a reputation for making quality products.
•I didn’t want to get a reputation as a troublemaker.

*collocation: 固定搭配的詞組

•prefer 偏愛、偏好、更喜歡...
= to like sth more
–prefer A to B: 比起B,更喜歡A
I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy cities . 我喜歡安靜的鄉村勝過喧鬧的城市。
•preferred - 過去分詞 → 含有被動的含意


•boring 令人感到厭倦的The show is boring.
–The show bores me.

•bored 感到厭倦的
I’m bored (by the show).

•legislator = law maker 立法者/委員
•legislate (v.) 立法
•legislative (adj.) 立法的
–Legislative Yuan 立法院

•FYI(for your information)
UK – Parliament 議會
US - Congress  國會

•endeavor /ɪnˈdevər/ 努力;奮力,力圖…
–They endeavored to create a government that truly serves its people.

•magnify 放大
–Tony wanted to magnify that picture . 湯尼要把那張照片放大。
–magnifying glass/ magnifier 放大鏡

•accelerate 加速
–The driver stepped on the gas and
accelerated the car . 司機踩了油門,讓汽車加速行駛。
•accelerator 加速器;油門
–accelerator pedal 油門踏板

•jeopardize 使處於危險境地;危及,損害
–He would never do anything to jeopardize his career.
–His health has been jeopardized by poor nutrition.

32 Many charities are devoted to supporting the ___ in society, such as providing food and clothes.

ans: d

the + adj. – 某個群體
the rich
the poor
the unemployed

•dissident 異議人士
–Many political dissidents were arrested.

•omnipotent /ɑːmˈnɪp.ə.t̬ənt/全能的,萬能的,無所不能的
–How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering? 慈愛、萬能的主怎會允許疾病、戰爭和苦難的存在?
•omni- → all
•potent = powerful

–economic indicator 經濟指標 eg 國內生產總值(GDP)、就業率…
•indicate 指出;表明;顯示
–An economic indicator indicates the condition of an economy.

•indigent /ˈɪn.dɪ.dʒənt/  = very poor 十分貧困的,十分貧窮的
–The clinic provides free care for indigent patients.

33 When the demonstration became violent and out of control, the police should take action to _____.

ans: a

–hold/stage a demonstration 舉行遊行示威
–take part in/go on a demonstration 參加遊行示威
–anti-government demonstration 反政府示威活動
–anti-war demonstration 反戰示威活動

–The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate. 中央銀行今天對貨幣市場進行了干預,試圖穩定匯率。
–The government's intervention in this dispute will not help. 政府介入這場爭端將於事無補。

–A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room. 房間裡積了厚厚一層灰塵。
–As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes. 人們積累了更多財富後,他們的花費佔收入的比重也往往會增加。

•automate /ˈɔː.tə.meɪt/ /ˈɑː.t̬ə-/使自動化
–Massive investment is needed to automate the production process. 要實現生產過程的自動化需要大量的投資。
–fully automated 全自動的

elevate 抬高;使上升;舉起
elevator 電梯
escalator 手扶梯

•elevate 提升;提高;晉升
–He has been elevated to deputy manager. 他已被提升爲副經理。

