a heavy hitter
[美國俚語] a heavy hitter 指有所成就且具有影響力的人物
- She spoke to a room full of political heavy hitters. 她對著滿屋子的政要發表言論。
- Their company is one of the industry's heavy hitters. 他們公司是這個產業中的佼佼者。
- The issue has drawn the attention of some of Hollywood's heavy hitters. 這個議題吸引起了一些好萊塢大咖的關注。
mogul /ˈmoʊgəl/ 大人物;大亨;富豪;權貴;巨頭
- movie/media/industry moguls 電影/傳媒/工業巨頭
- He is a real estate mogul. His net assets is said to exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars . 他是一個地產大亨。他的資產淨值據說超過百億。
magnate /ˈmægˌneɪt/ 巨擘,富豪,大亨;工商界巨頭
- a well-known shipping magnate 赫赫有名的船王
- a press magnate 報業巨子
- a steel magnate 鋼鐵大王
- an oil magnate 石油大亨
tycoon (企業界的)大亨;巨擘
- a business/property/shipping tycoon 商業/地產業/船業巨頭
movers and shakers 有權勢的人;有影響力的人物
= people with a lot of power and influence.
- It's a play that's attracted the attention of the Broadway movers and shakers. 這部戲劇引起了百老匯大人物的關注。
- Who are the movers and shakers around here? 這裡是誰在作主?
honcho /ˈhɑːntʃoʊ/ 負責人,主事者; the person in charge
- Who's the head honcho around here? 這兒誰是負責人?
- I want to talk to the head honcho. 我想跟這裡的負責人說話。
who's who 某個領域中的重要人物或知名人士
- The convention was attended by a who's who of the publishing industry. 一位出版業的要角出席了這場會議。
hot shot 高手;達人;大亨
= a talented and successful person.
- She's quite a hotshot at chess. 她是個國際象棋高手。
- Now he's a lecturer, he thinks he's a real hotshot! 現在他當了講師,就認為自己是高手了。
- The company has hired a couple of young hotshots to revamp its advertising campaign.
- They've hired a hotshot lawyer.
big shot 大人物
- He is a big shot though he looks so common. 雖然他看上去很普通, 但他是個大人物。
- His father is a big shot in the steel industry. 他父親是鋼鐵業的大人物。
big wheel 重要人物;具有影響力的人
- That man is a big wheel in the electronics industry. 那個人是電子工業鉅子。
bigwig 權貴之人;大亨
- We were invited to a lunch with local bigwigs. 我們受邀與當地要人共進午餐。
- All the bigwigs of the city gathered together to discuss the formation of a new development bank. 這個城市的所有的大亨聚集在一起討論如何成立一家新建設銀行。
- She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs.
big gun 有影響力的重要人物
- She's a big gun in city politics. 她是市政要人。
- They called in the big guns to deal with the problem.
big noise 有影響力的人, 要人, 名人
- In our school, Professor Johnson was a big noise. 在我們學校, 約翰遜教授是個鼎鼎大名的人物。
kingpin (組織中的)主要人物,領袖
- Police have arrested the suspected kingpin of a car-stealing operation. 警察逮捕了疑似偷車集團首腦的嫌犯。
top dog / top banana 權威;優勝者
- He's the mob's top banana.
- Now that she's top dog you can't get hold of her at all.
high-profile figure 知名人物
high-profile (adj.) 備受關注的;眾所矚目的
- He is the latest high-profile figure to become embroiled in scandal. 他是最近捲入醜聞當中的知名人士。
- He remains a high-profile figure in his home country – not least because of his tireless charity work and battles with cancer and a brain tumor. 在他的故鄉,他仍然享有高知名度,尤其是因為他致力於慈善工作,以及對抗癌症和腦瘤的事跡。
*second banana B咖、配角;助手
- I generally don't mind playing second banana when I'm with such a legendary comedian, but it would be nice to be the one getting all the laughs once in a while.
- The plumber left his second banana behind, to finish installing my new sink.