2016年12月18日 星期日



packed 擠滿的,擁擠的

  • to be packed with people 擠滿人
  • The train was so packed that I couldn't find a seat火車裡擠滿了人,我一個座位也找不到。
  • packed like sardines 擠得像沙丁魚 The ten of us were packed like sardines in the lift.   我們十個人在電梯裡擁成一團。We were packed like sardines all the way home on the bus.我們回家時公車一路上都擁擠不堪。
  • packed out   擠得水洩不通的 The bar was packed out last night. 昨晚酒吧裡擠滿了人。


jam-packed 擠得滿滿的,塞得緊緊的 full of people or things that are pushed closely together: filled completely
  • The streets were jam-packed with tourists街道被遊客擠得水泄不通。
  • a stadium jam-packed with spectators 擠滿觀眾的體育館
  • Do you like to go to the concert? No, because I don't like being jam-packed.你喜不喜歡參加演唱會?不喜歡,我不喜歡人擠人。
  • The theater was jam-packed (with people) for the performance.

human gridlock

  • The ‘pedestrian fast lanes’ will allow users to speed through crowds and avoid human gridlock inside the Liverpool One shopping centre. 行人快速道讓用路人可以避開利物普第一購物中心裡的人潮而快速通行。
  • The overwhelming "human gridlock" is causing police to rethink crowd control before today's game. 人潮大爆滿的情況使得警方開始重新評估今天比賽前的人潮控管。


    crammed (with somebody/something): full of things or people(地方)擠滿的,塞滿的,充滿的。crammed和packed是同義字。

    bursting at the seams (場所)過於擁擠,快要擠爆了

    seethe /ˈsiːð/

    seethe (with something): to be full of a lot of people or animals, especially when they are all moving around
    • The streets were seething (= busy and crowded) with tourists. 街道上遊客摩肩接踵。
    • The resort is seething with tourists all year round. 這個渡假村一年到頭都充滿人潮。
    • He became caught up in a seething mass of arms and legs. 他被困在摩肩接踵的人群中。

    shoulder to shoulder 駢肩雜遝、摩肩接踵 

    • Everyone was squeezed shoulder to shoulder on the crowded bus. 在擁擠的公車上,每個人都被擠得肩並肩地。
    • The refugees were packed shoulder to shoulder on the boat難民們肩挨著肩擠在船上。

    to the gills

    • to the gills: completely full 吃飽的、滿的
    • The restaurant was packed to the gills這家飯店已經滿座。
    • The car was packed to the gills for our vacation.
    • During the evening rush, my neighborhood grocery stores are packed to the gills, and the magic of shopping is lost. 

    teeming 擠滿人的;人山人海

    teem這個動詞原意是「下傾盆大雨」,與pour同一個意思。片語teem with sth意思是「充滿;有很多」,例如:The river teems with fish. (這條河流充滿了魚。)
    • The mall was teeming with shoppers that Saturday. 那個週六,購物中心擠滿了顧客。
    • We inched through teeming streets . 我們在熙熙攘攘的街道上緩慢行走。
    • For many who live in the crowded housing of teeming cities, a quiet place to read is almost as important as the reading matter itself. 對於許多居住於人口稠密的都市住宅的人們而言,一個安靜閱讀空間幾乎就與閱讀本身同樣重要。

    droves 大批人潮;成群結隊

    如果是要表示「移動中的人群」,可以使用in droves這個片語。drove原本是指「遷徙中的牛群或羊群」,複數droves常用來指「移動中的人群」。
    • The people lined up in droves to buy tickets to the play. 人們排成長長人龍為了買票看這齣戲。
    • Fans left in droves in the fourth quarter. 大批球迷在比賽最後第四節離開球場。
    • People came in droves to hear her sing. 大批民眾前來聽她演唱。

    surge 湧現人潮;蜂擁而至

    • The gates opened and the crowd surged forward. 大門打開了,人潮也蜂擁向前。
    • As has been the case at every show, the crowd surges toward the stage. 就像每場演出的情況一樣,人群湧向舞台。
    • At times the crowd surged, making it difficult to maintain order. 有時人潮飆升,難以維持秩序。


    throng /θrɑːŋ/(人群)蜂擁,群集 to be or go somewhere in very large numbers

    • Thousands of people thronged to see the exhibition while it was in the capital展覽在首都舉辦時,成千上萬的人蜂擁而至。

    an influx of people

    influx 是「湧進;匯集」的意思,指大量的人或物同時進入。 

    • Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next few days未來幾天湧入土耳其的難民預計會達幾千人。
    • The influx of refugees has raised net immigration to Germany to the record level of more than one million. 難民湧入使德國的淨移民人數破百萬而創下紀錄。

