rags to riches 鹹魚翻身;麻雀變鳳凰;從赤貧到鉅富
rag是「破布、舊布」的意思,rags to riches 指的是從衣衫襤褸、一無所有的貧困處境到身懷鉅富、家財萬貫的有錢人,可以用在形容人白手起家,也可以用在一夕成為暴發戶的情況。
go from rags to riches
- The beggar went from rags to riches overnight by winning the lottery. 那個乞丐贏了彩券後一夕間由赤貧變為富有。
- The story is about a young girl from the country who went from rags to riches. 故事講的是一個鄉下姑娘白手起家由窮致富的經歷。
rise from rags to riches
- He has risen from rags to riches in a ten year span. 他在短短十年之間就由貧轉富。
rags-to-riches 用作形容詞
- My uncle's is a true rags-to-riches story: he grew up without a penny, but through sheer determination, he founded his own company and is now one of the wealthiest men in the state. 我叔叔的經歷是真實的白手起家的故事,他成長過程中身無分文,單憑意志力建立起自己的公司,而如今是美國最有錢的人之一。
- His life sounds to me like the classic rags-to-riches story. 他的人生聽起來像是典型的鹹魚翻身的故事。