2018年5月31日 星期四

「木已成舟、覆水難收」的英文 - 用英文表達「無法改變的事實」

the die is cast 大局抵定;木已成舟;心意已決
「the die is cast」字面上的意思是「骰子已被擲了出去」,「die」在過去的用法裡是「骰子」的單數,「cast」是動詞「cast(丟擲)」的過去分詞,「the die is cast」是被動句。
  • From the moment the negotiations failed, the die was cast and war was inevitable. 談判失敗之時就大局已定,戰爭已經不可避免了。
  • The die is cast. There is no turning back on this point. 木已成舟,事情至此已無轉寰餘地。

water under the bridge 已成往事,不可改變的既成事實
  • Yes, we did have our disagreements but that's water under the bridge now. 是的,我們確實曾經不和,但那已是陳年往事了。
  • He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge. 他的刑期已經完成,所以鬆了一口氣,把那些蹲牢房的日子當作過去的事。

a gone case 
1. 毫無希望、無可挽回的事
  • It's gone case. There's nothing that we can really do now. 這已無法挽回了,我們現在也愛莫能助。
2. 無可救藥的人
  • That guy is a total gone case. 那個人沒救了。
  • I’m a sucker for cute packaging so I was a gone case right when I first spotted this lipstick. 我對可愛包裝有偏執的喜愛,所以當我一看見這個口紅,就已無法自拔了。

What is done cannot be undone 木已成舟;覆水難收;生米已成熟飯
  • It is no use for you to worry about this; what is done cannot be undone. 為此苦惱沒有用;做過的事不能再還原。
  • Jill soon regretted telling Mike that she loved him, but she knew that what's done cannot be undone. 吉兒很快地便開始後悔告訴麥克她愛他,但她知道一言既出則無法收回。

There's no use crying over spilled milk 
  • It's no use crying over spilled milk - he's spent all the money, and there's nothing you can do about it.
  • 事已至此,傷心也沒用——他把錢都花光了,對此你也毫無辦法。
  • Yes, we made a mistake, but there’s no point in crying over spilled milk. 沒錯,我們犯了錯誤,但事已成定局,後悔已於事無補。




「尚未開始;八字還沒一撇」的英文: a gleam in one’s eye

「黑暗面、陰暗面」的英文: underbelly、the seamy/seamier side

