2018年7月14日 星期六



33. Obviously, Joe thought too highly of himself and enjoyed behaving ____ to draw the attention of people  around him.
(A) concordantly
(B) pretentiously
(C) recursively
(D) sporadically

ans: B

concordantly (ad.)和諧地;一致地
concordant = in agreement /kənˈkɔː.dənt/ 一致的,協調的,相似的
All three tests have concordant results. 三項測試結果皆一致。
to be concordant with sth. 與某事物一致
His views are concordant with those of the president. 他的看法與總裁一致。

concord (n.) /ˈkɑːŋ.kɔːrd/​ agreement and peace between countries and people 協調;和諧;和睦
living in concord 和睦相處

pretentiously 做作地; 自以為是地
pretentious 矯飾的,自以為是的
He's a pretentious snob. 他是個矯情的假掰人。

snob: someone who tends to criticize, reject, or ignore people who come from a lower social class, have less education, etc. 勢利眼;愛虛榮的人、假高尚

recursively 遞歸地;迴歸地
recursion 遞迴,遞歸
A child couldn't sleep, so her mother told her a story about a child, who couldn't sleep, so her mother told her a story about a child, who couldn't sleep, so her mother told her a story about a child, who couldn't sleep...

sporadically [spəˈradək(ə)lē] 偶爾,零星地;偶發地,斷斷續續地
He worked sporadically at part-time jobs. 他偶爾做些兼差工作。
I’ve been working sporadically this year. 我今年工作斷斷續續。
sporadic /spəˈræd.ɪk/ happening sometimes; not regular or continuous:
sporadic rain showers 間歇性陣雨

think/speak highly of sb 給予(某人)很高評價/對(某人)讚不絕口
My dad has been speaking highly of this smartphone, so I think I might buy one for myself. 我爸對這款智慧型手機讚譽有加,所以我想自己買一支。
He's very highly thought of within the company.

