2018年7月24日 星期二



incite 煽動;激起憤怒情緒;鼓動暴力行為

  • to incite crime/racial hatred/violence/anger 煽動犯罪/種族仇恨/暴力/憤怒
  • incite a fight 挑釁打架
  • incite a riot 煽起暴動
  • They were clearly trying to incite the crowd to violence. 他們顯然是在鼓吹民眾施暴。
  • He was charged with inciting violence. 他被控唆使暴力。
  • His words incited them to rebellion. 他的話煽動了他們叛亂。

foment 挑起,激起,煽動


  • foment rebellion/war/revolution 煽動叛亂/戰爭/革命
  • They accused him of fomenting political unrest. 他們控訴他煽動政治動亂。
  • He was accused of fomenting violence. 他被控煽動暴力。
  • I did decide to foment insurrection. 我確實決定了要發動政變。

stoke up 煽動,激化


  • He built a successful political career by stoking up fears about immigration in Austria. 他透過煽動澳洲國內對移民的恐懼,建立起成功的政治事業。
  • He continued to stoke up hatred in his speeches. 他持續在他的言論中煽動仇恨。
  • The government couldn't be doing a better job of stoking up terrorist antagonism if that were its intention. 如果政府的意圖在於激化恐怖份子的敵意,那麼他們已經做到淋漓盡致了。

stir up 煽動、煽惑


  • The government won't allow you to stir up the poor people. 政府不會容許你煽動貧民。
  • Agitators who stir up divisions in a nation are dangerous. 煽動者挑起國內的對立是很危險的。

whip up 煽動;激起強烈情緒

  • He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes. 他指控政客煽動仇外情緒以贏得右翼選票。
  • Newspaper articles have whipped up fears of the new tax policies. 報紙文章煽動了對新租稅政策的恐懼。

fan the flames/fires 煽風點火;激化負面情緒

  • His writings fanned the flames of racism. 他的作品激化了種族主義情緒。
  • They are fanning the flames of hate. 他們在挑動仇恨的情緒。
  • His remarks fanned the flames of racial tension. 他的言論挑動種族間的緊張關係。

demagogue 煽動者、煽動群眾的政客;用非理性的言論激化民眾的人

  • All historians today judge Hitler and Mussolini as demagogues. 現今的歷史學者將希特勒與墨索里尼評價為煽動群眾的領導人。
  • Childish messages and childish horrors are the stock-in-trade of demagogues. 幼稚的訊息與幼稚的恐嚇是煽動者的一貫技倆。

agitator (抗議或政治波動中的)煽動者,策動者

  • Mussolini, who founded fascism, was deported from Switzerland as a dangerous left wing agitator. 法西斯的創立者 - 墨索里尼,因為被列為危險的左翼群眾煽動者而被逐出瑞士境外。
  • President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday that in many of the occupied universities, those doing the occupying were “not students but professional agitators, professionals of disorder.” 總統艾曼紐·馬克宏周四表示,許多占領大學的人士「並非學生,而是職業的煽動者,專業的混亂製造者。」

inflammatory (adj.) 煽動性的

inflammatory 原意為「發炎的」,引申為意圖激化他人憤怒或仇恨的。

  • make an inflammatory pronouncement/remarks  發表煽動性的言論
  • The men were using inflammatory language about the other team's supporters. 這些人惡語攻擊另一支球隊的支持者。
  • He incited the mob with an inflammatory speech. 他用煽動性的演說激化暴民。

incendiary (adj.)煽動性的


  • incendiary remarks/statements 煽動性言論/聲明
  • They use incendiary rhetoric to get public attention. 他們使用煽動性的言辭來引起大眾注意。
  • Powell's speech is highly emotional and incendiary. 鮑威爾的演說是高度情緒性及煽動性的。

