2018年7月23日 星期一


scruffy (adj.) 邋遢的,不整潔的
  • Dan is scruffy. He needs to take a shower. 丹很邋遢,他該去洗個澡。
  • I'm not gonna lie. I think you look so scruffy in that. 說真的,我覺得你穿那件看起來很邋遢。
  • A scruffy beard covered his face. 他的臉上長滿凌亂的鬍子。
  • They live in a scruffy part of town.他們住在鎮上髒亂的地段。

slovenly (adj.) 邋遢的,不修邊幅的;凌亂的
  • She is slovenly in her dress. 她衣著邋遢。
  • He grew lazy and slovenly in his habits. 他漸漸養成了懶散邋遢的習慣。
  • She's got that slightly slovenly appearance -- I don't think she ever brushes her hair or irons her clothes. 她外表有點邋遢,我覺得她不曾梳頭髮或熨燙衣服。

like something the cat brought/dragged/drug in 看起來很邋遢、蓬頭垢面
  • I need to take a shower—I look like something the cat dragged in. 我得洗個澡,我看起來亂七八糟。
  • It is still possible to be an intelligent and successful woman and look like something the cat has dragged in. What money cannot buy is dress sense. 一個人是有可能外表邋遢,卻同時是位聰明又成功的女性,因為金錢買不到服裝品味。

disheveled (adj.) 頭髮或服裝不整的, 凌亂的,亂糟糟的
  • He ran in looking dishevelled. 他衣衫不整地跑了進來。
  • Comb you hair, you look dishevelled! 梳個頭髪,你看起來好邋遢!
  • A woman was walking around with disheveled hair. 一個頭髮凌亂的女人走來走去。

unkempt (adj.) ​不整潔的;淩亂的;沒有打理的
  • She wore rumpled clothing and her hair was unkempt. 她穿著皺掉的衣服,頭髪亂七八糟。
  • He came to the office unshaven and unkempt. 他走進辦公室,臉上鬍子未刮,外表邋遢。

slob (n.) 懶惰邋遢的人
  • That man was a perfect slob. 那個男人真是個邋遢鬼。
  • How can you walk around like such a slob with stains all over your clothes? 你怎麼能夠穿著沾滿髒污的衣服走來走去。
  • My days of being the office slob are over. 當辦公室邋遢鬼的日子結束了。

go/run to seed 變得不修邊幅
  • After he retired, he really went to seed. 退休之後,他真的變得不修邊幅了。
  • After his divorce, he let himself go to seed. 離婚後,他放任自己變得邋遢。
  • Once he had carried a lot of muscle but now he was running to seed. 曾經全身充滿肌肉,但他現在逐漸發福。

