hellraiser 滋事份子;愛惹事生非的麻煩人物
hellraiser 指那些喜歡喝酒打架鬧事,常製造麻煩的滋事份子。- That dude is a hellraiser, he just stepped into the bar, started picking on random dudes and suddenly there was a massive fight going on. 那傢伙是個麻煩人物,他不過是走進酒吧,隨機找個人的麻煩,突然就開始打起來了。
- Josh ran wild and made a reputation for himself as a hell-raiser. 喬許失控發狂,為自己留下一個 麻煩製造者的名聲。
- Here's a quick recap of the most celebrated male hellraisers of recent years. 我們來快速回顧一下這幾年最有名的男性麻煩製造者。
psychopath 心理變態,精神變態
psychopath是一種反社會人格障礙,通常具有這些特質: 缺乏同理心、極度自私、毫無責任感、對於殘酷暴力麻木、無視法律制度、為所欲為,是非常具有危險性的人。- Not all psychopaths are serial killers - some can function perfectly well in society. 不是所有的精神病都是連續殺人魔,有些可以在社會上正常生活。
- Who is that psychopath running down the middle of the road with no shirt. 那個光著上身在路中央亂跑的神精病是誰?
- Sean, the psychopath, kept kicking, punching, and throwing sharp metal objects at me. 尚恩那個神精病,一直踹我、打我,還對我丟金屬物品。
punk 小流氓 ;常打架或犯法的年輕人
- Listen to me, you little punk - you do that again and I'm gonna break your neck. 聽好了,你這個小流氓,你再那麼做我就扭斷你的脖子。
troublemaker 麻煩製造者
- I was worried that I would be regarded as a troublemaker if I complained about the safety standards. 我擔心如果我對安全規範提意見的話,會被視為是在搗亂。
black sheep 害群之馬;有辱門楣的人
black sheep指做了一些會使得家族蒙羞的事的人。He's the black sheep of the family. 他是這個家族中的羞恥。