2018年10月4日 星期四

「憔悴」的英文 - 用英文表達「氣色不好」

haggard 憔悴的;顯疲態

  • He'd been drinking the night before and was looking a bit haggard. 他前一天晚上喝了酒,看起來有點憔悴。
  • Even though they stay up late filming, they don’t look haggard at all! 即便他們通宵拍片,看起來卻一點也不憔悴!
  • Now I'm wearing the classic "haggard college student" ponytail! 我現在綁著典型的「憔悴的大學生」馬尾!
  • She had sunken eyes through staying up day after day and looked haggard.  連續地熬夜使她眼窩內凹,憔悴了許多。

drawn 疲憊的,憔悴的;顯得受盡折磨

  • She looked pale and drawn after her ordeal. 磨難過後,她臉色蒼白而憔悴。
  • Her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness. 由於失眠,她顯得面容憔悴、臉色難看。
  • His illness left him looking very pale and drawn. 他的疾病使他臉色蒼白、面容憔悴。

careworn 因心事重重而顯疲憊、面帶憂愁;(因擔憂、辛勞等而)身心憔悴的;愁容滿面,操勞過度的

  • The old woman had a careworn look on her face. 老婦臉上露出憂心忡忡的神色。
  • It's sad to see the careworn face of the mother of a large poor family. 看到那貧窮的一大家子的母親憂勞憔悴的臉龐心裡真是難受。
  • Her mother, who couldn't have been much more than 30, looked old and careworn. 她母親不過三十出頭,看上去卻又老又憔悴。
  • Most startling is the president’s face, which — in contrast to his youthful, slim body — looks careworn and grim. 最令人驚訝的是總統的面容,比起過去年輕苗條的體態,現在顯得憔悴而嚴肅。

wan 面色蒼白的,顯得疲憊的;無血色的

  • She looks wan, sallow and miserable, she's probably had some bad luck.  她臉色蒼白,面容憔悴,形容淒楚,大概是遭遇到了不幸的事。
  • She looked wan and fragile. 她看上去既疲乏又虛弱。
  • Her wan face suddenly flushed. 她慘白的臉上突然泛起紅暈。

sallow 面色蠟黃、氣色不好的

  • His face was thin and sallow 他的臉瘦削蠟黃。
  • His face is already sallow due to long-term hunger, but he forced himself not to eat just for lack of money. 餓了很久了,他臉上已呈現飢色,但因為沒錢他強迫自己不吃。
  • Mauve or pink are used to neutralize the yellow tone and give sallow complexions a healthy glow. 淡紫色或粉紅色用來調和黃色調,給蠟黃的膚色一抹健康的光澤。

