willful 故意的;任性的;固執的(英國拼作wilful)
- She developed into a willful, difficult child. 她長成了一個任性而又固執的孩子。
- They eat huge quantities of sweet and fried foods, in willful disregard of their health. 他們固執地無視自己的健康,吃大量甜食和油炸食品。
- His adolescent protest consisted of willful neglect of all his responsibilities. 他的青春期反叛包括故意疏忽他的所有責任。
- The daughter of the prime minister in feudal China was very willful and unreasonable. 封建中國時代裡的這位宰相家千金十分刁蠻任性。
self-willed 任性固執的
- a stubborn and self-willed child 一個頑固而任性的孩子
- Even at four years old, Carol was stubborn and self-willed. 即使在四歲的時候,卡羅爾仍然固執而且任性。
unruly 任性的;不受控的,不好管束的
- loud screaming unruly children 大聲尖叫的野孩子
- The bus driver called in the police to deal with an unruly passenger. 公車司機請警察來處理亂鬧的乘客。
- Those kids were of the same kind, unruly and misbehaved. 那些孩子都是同一個樣,任性而且舉止不良。
wayward 任性的; 反覆無常的;倔強、不聽話的
- In a wayward mood, he ran away from home. 他任性地離家出走了。
- He was difficult and wayward as long as his mother could remember. 據他母親回憶,他是一個任性執拗的人。
- Jake had always been the most wayward of their three children. 傑克一直是他們三個孩子中最任意妄為的。
petulant /ˈpetʃ.ə.lənt/ 耍孩子脾氣的,任性的;愛使性子的
- Stop acting like a petulant child. 別表現得像一個任性的孩子。
- Her tone was petulant and angry. 她的語氣充滿了任性和憤怒。
- He behaved like a petulant child and refused to cooperate. 他表現得像一個任性的孩子,而且拒絕合作。
- We have a petulant child for a president. 我們選了個任性的孩子當總統。
capricious /kəˈprɪʃəs/ 善變的;任性的;反覆無常的
- That movie star was capricious and difficult to please. 那位電影明星反復無常,很難取悅。
- He was a cruel and capricious tyrant. 他是個殘忍而又反覆無常的暴君。
- She was as capricious as her mother had been. 她就跟媽媽以前一樣多變。
headstrong 任性的,固執的,不聽勸的
- She was a headstrong child, always getting into trouble. 她是個任性的孩子,老是惹麻煩。
- We cannot tolerate his headstrong actions. 我們不能容忍他的任性行為。
- The trouble with her is that she is too headstrong. 她的毛病是太固執。
- Don't be so headstrong; you should be reasonable. 別耍任性了,講點道理!
「尚未開始;八字還沒一撇」的英文: a gleam in one’s eye