2018年10月3日 星期三

「聒噪」、「話匣子」的英文 - 怎麼用英文說一個人「愛講話、話很多」


garrulous /ˈɡer.əl.əs/ adj. 喋喋不休的;貧嘴的;聒噪的

  • The thing I fear the most when traveling on a plane is to have a garrulous neighbor. 我搭飛機旅行時,最怕有個喋喋不休的鄰座。
  • He is the garrulous guy you can meet at a party who has too many tales to tell and knows all the people. 他是那種你會在派對裡遇到的話匣子,他總有說不完的故事,而且認識所有的人。
  • Personally, I hate garrulous DJs as there is nothing more irritating than having corny jokes and silly telephone calls interrupting the music. 我個人很討厭聒噪的DJ, 沒有什麼比老掉牙的笑話和打斷音樂的愚蠢來電還要惱人。

windbag /ˈwɪndbæɡ/ n. 嘴炮王;廢話王;幹話王

windbag ​形容人話多又沒內容,尤其形容人喜歡講得天花亂墜、好像自己很厲害一樣,但說的只是些沒用的屁話,就如網友留言所說的,windbag可以用來指那些愛說大話的「嘴炮王」,用台語來說就是很愛「膨風」的人。
  • I'm sorry I called you an arrogant windbag the other night. 很抱歉前些夜裡說你是自大的嘴炮王。
  • I cannot understand how you could leave me for that cheesy windbag. 我無法理解你竟然為了那低俗的嘴炮王離開我。

chatterbox 話匣子

  • She hardly said a word until she was two, but now she's a little chatterbox. 直到兩歲前,她幾乎不曾說過一個字,但現在她是個小小話匣子。
  • That chatterbox would talk 24 hours a day if she didn't sleep at night. 那個話匣子如果晚上不用睡覺的話,可以二十四小時喋喋不休。
  • After a couple of drinks, he becomes a chatterbox. 幾杯酒下肚後,他變成一個話匣子。

mouthy /ˈmaʊði/ 誇口的;愛說大話的

  • Watch your tongue, little miss mouthy. 小心你的舌頭(說話時給我注意點),長舌婦小姐。
  •  I simply cannot stand the man, he is mouthy, petulant, and disgracefully dirty. 我完全無法忍受那個男的,他既聒噪、又任性,而且骯髒到了極點。
  • I swear, that's the mouthiest kid I've ever seen - he talks back to everybody! 我發誓那是我見過話最多的小孩,他對所有人頂嘴!

motormouth 喋喋不休的人;滔滔不絕的快嘴;嘴巴有如機關槍

  • I wish that motormouth would shut up.  我希望那個愛講話的傢伙能閉嘴。
  • Don't invite Mia to the party, she's an obnoxious motormouth. 別邀米亞來派對,她是惹人厭的長舌婦。
  • Jake is such a motormouth that I find it exhausting talking to him! 傑克真是個長舌公,我覺得跟他說話好累。

loudmouth 大聲公

  • You may want to tell the loudmouth to end the conversation, but let the management take care of noisy customers. 你可能想要請那位大聲公結束通話,不過最好還是讓經理來處理這樣的客人。 
  • He was unquestionably brilliant, but also loudmouthed, arrogant, opinionated and poorly qualified. 無庸至疑地,他相當聰明,但他也很聒噪、自大、固執己見,而且不夠格。

flibbertigibbet  /ˌflɪb.ɚ.t̬iˈdʒɪb.ət/ 話多而且態度輕佻的蠢蛋

  • I was forced to endure a long flight with a flibbertigibbet as a seat companion. 我被迫忍受一段長途班機,旁邊還坐著一個囉哩八嗦的傢伙。
  • Instead of acting cool and sophisticated our narrator prattled like a flibbertigibbet. 我們的旁白沒有表現的冷靜成熟,反而像個聒噪的八婆一樣東扯西扯。




「尚未開始;八字還沒一撇」的英文: a gleam in one’s eye

「黑暗面、陰暗面」的英文: underbelly、the seamy/seamier side

5 則留言:

  1. windbag = 嘴炮王, 打嘴炮!! 屁王!!!

    1. 感謝提供,嘴炮王是很貼切的翻譯

  2. windbag = 嘴炮王?? 打嘴炮?? 屁王?? 而取代 lip service
    me = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEdCMFhAqzE

  3. 非常感謝您提出如此好的建議,獲益良多!!
