by no stretch (of the imagination) / not by any stretch (of the imagination) 毫無可能,怎麼想也不可能;絕不,一點也不
stretch是「伸展,延伸」的意思, any stretch of the imagination就是想像得到的一切可能,by no stretch of the imagination 指的是,即使你發揮想像力去考慮各種可能,也絕對不可能,沒有任何餘地。或是指某事一定是錯的,或某事令人難以置信、難以接受
- By no stretch of the imagination could he be seriously described as an artist. 無論如何也難以相信人們會認真稱他為藝術家。
- It's looking like we're not going to win by any stretch of the imagination. 看來我們是不可能會贏了。
- I can't see by any stretch of the imagination how we're going to pull this off. 我實在看不出來我們到底要怎麼做成這件事。
- They're not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. 不管怎麼說他們都稱不上是有錢.
- By no stretch of the imagination does the factory operate efficiently. 這間工廠絕對算不上是運作有效率。
not in the least = not at all 絲毫沒有,一點也不,決不
- "Are you dissatisfied with the results?" "Not in the least." 「你對結果不滿嗎?」「一點也不。」
- This book is not in the least difficult. 這本書一點兒也不難讀。
- It doesn't matter in the least. 那絕對不要緊。
- Really, I'm not in the least tired. 說真的,我一點也不累。
- ‘Do you mind if I put the television on?’ ‘No, not in the least.’ 你介意我開電視嗎?不、一點也不介意。
by no means / not by any means 決不,一點都不
- It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June. 我們能否在六月份前完成這項工程還很難確定。
- This isn't the last we'll hear of it by any means. 這絕對不會是我們最後一次聽到此事。
- He is by no means an honest man. 他絕不是個誠實的人。
- She is by no means poor: in fact, she's quite rich. 她可不窮, 其實她很闊。
not in the slightest 絲毫不; 一點也不
- You did not embarrass me in the slightest. 你一點也沒讓我為難。
- "Does it worry you?" "Not in the slightest." 你會擔心嗎?一點也不。
- Of course, Alexander would not in the slightest deny the more traditional view. 當然,亞歷山大絕不會否定更為傳統的觀點。
not by a long shot 遠遠不及,一點也不
- It wasn't as good as his first book - not by a long shot. 這本書不如他的第一本書好——差遠了。
- I'm not beaten yet, not by a long shot! 我尚未被擊敗,還早呢!
- Oh, we aren't finished cleaning, not by a long shot—we still have the entire downstairs to tackle. 我們還沒打掃完,還早呢--還有下面整層樓要處理。
on no account 絕對不可以;無論如何都不能;切勿
- Employees must on no account make personal phone calls from the office. 員工無論如何不能因為私事使用辦公室電話。
- These records must not on any account be changed. 這些紀錄無論如何都不能變動。
- My name must on no account be mentioned to anyone. 我的名字絕對不要向任何人提及。
- I made my mind up that on no account could I agree to such a principle. 我下決心無論如何不同意這樣的準則。
「尚未開始;八字還沒一撇」的英文: a gleam in one’s eye