2019年1月14日 星期一



loner 獨行俠;獨來獨往的人

  • He was always a loner -- no one knew him well. 他總是獨來獨往,大家都和他不熟。
  • After his wife died, he lived the life of a loner. 老婆去世後,他便過著獨來獨往的生活。
  • Fred's a loner, always happy in his own company. 弗雷德是獨行俠,喜歡自己獨處。

lone wolf 孤狼;獨行俠

  • In the police force, he had the reputation of being something of a lone wolf. 在警界,他有著孤狼的名聲。
  • Do you think he' s gone lone wolf on us? 你覺得他在跟我們耍孤僻嗎?
  • The lone wolf terrorist has been described as a most significant threat. 孤狼式的恐怖分子被描述為最重要的威脅。

recluse /ˈrɛˌkluːs/ n. 獨居者;隱居者;繭居族


  • A social recluse is someone who does not go out or want to mix with others. 社交孤僻者指那些足不出戶、不和他人打交道的人。
  • Henry has become a recluse ever since he broke up with his girlfriend. 亨利自從和女友分手後就變得很孤僻。
  • He had turned into a nutty antisocial recluse years earlier. 幾年前,他變成了一個瘋狂的反社會隱士。

reclusive /rɪˈkluː.sɪv/ adj. 孤僻的;隱遁的

  • She became increasingly reclusive after the tragedy. 在那場悲劇之後,她變的愈來愈孤僻。
  • He was an eccentric and somewhat reclusive man. 他是一個古怪而又有點孤僻的人。
  • Fred's become very reclusive over the last few weeks. I think he's having another bout of depression. 弗雷德在過去幾週變得非常孤僻,我想他的憂鬱症又發作了。

hermit /ˈhɝː.mɪt/ n. 孤僻的人;隱居者

  • Hermits are people who tend to avoid socializing. 孤僻的人指那些傾向於避免交際應酬的人。
  • I've spent the past ten years living like a hermit. 過去十年我過著隱居者般的生活。
  • I don't socialize. I'm kind of a hermit. The life of an actor can be very lonely. 我這個人有點孤僻,不太愛社交。演員的生活可以是十分孤單的。
  • Some people actually choose a hermit-style Christmas. 其實有些人刻意選擇一個人過聖誕節。

maverick 獨行俠;特立獨行的人
maverick 原本是指「未被烙印飼主記號的小牛或馬等牲口」,引申為不隨波逐流,而能獨立思考行動的人。美國NBA的達拉斯小牛隊英文就是Dallas Mavericks,還因為「小牛隊」這個譯名似乎不能傳達出英文名的內涵,球隊官方在2018年將中文譯名正式定為「獨行俠」。

  • In the 1990s, Madoff was viewed as a maverick. 在1990年代,馬多夫被視為獨行俠。
  • John McCain developed a reputation as a political maverick willing to go his own way. 共和黨參議員約翰·馬侃建立了一個聲譽 -- 願意走自己的路的政治特異份子。
  • Programmers are often thought of as the mavericks of the computer business. 程式設計師常被認為是電腦產業界中的獨行俠。

homebody 阿宅;居家的人
homebody 指一個人只喜歡待在家,不想出去玩,。homebody 會給人一種貪圖安逸、沒有什麼冒險精神的感覺。

  • I invited Tom to go to the movies with us but he declined. He's more of a homebody. 我邀湯姆和我們一起去看電影,但他拒絕了。他這個人喜歡宅在家。
  • He's not a bad guy, just an unambitious homebody. 他人不壞,只是個沒有野心的阿宅。

stay-at-home 不愛出門的

stay-at-home 可以當形容詞與名詞,指不愛出門老是宅在家的人。也可以指沒在外面工作,待在家裡負責做家事和照顧小孩的。

  • Her son was a real stay-at-home. 她的兒子真的很宅
  • Love is out there, so shake off a stay-at-home mood. 愛情在外面等著你,所以擺脫掉只想宅在家的心情吧!
  • stay-at-home mom 家庭主婦;全職媽媽
  • stay-at-home dad 家庭主夫;全職爸爸

retiring 孤僻的;靦腆內向的

  • She was a shy and retiring person off-stage. 下了舞台後,私底下的她是一個害羞靦腆的人。
  • Of an extremely retiring disposition, he did not take an active part in public affairs. 因為個性極度內向,他並沒有積極參與公共事務。

withdrawn​ /wɪðˈdrɑːn/ adj. 安靜害羞的;孤僻內向的

  • She was quiet and withdrawn from a lot of people. 她很安靜,不和許多人來往
  • He remained quiet and seemed withdrawn into his shell. 他保持沉默,似乎將自己封閉了起來。
  • He's become so withdrawn and distant that he feels like a stranger. 他變得如此孤僻冷漠,以至於感覺像是陌生人。

unsociable 不愛交際的,孤僻的

  • You appear somewhat unsociable and aloof. 你顯得有些孤僻冷漠。
  • Terry was grumpy and unsociable. 泰瑞格性乖僻,不好交際。
  • There are farmers who are a worry because they stay at home, become unsociable and withdrawn. 有些農民擔心自己深居簡出,會變得孤僻且不善交際。

keep to oneself 獨處,不與人交談

keep to oneself 可以指「不和他人互動、避免他人的陪伴」,也可以指「保守秘密」。

  • I kept to myself for most of the morning, hoping to avoid everyone else. 早上大部分的時間我一個人獨處,希望能避開其他人。
  • He spoke with a few co-workers but mostly kept to himself. 他有和一些同事交談,但多半是一個人獨處。

shut oneself away 把自己關起來
shut oneself away 通常用在一個人不想被打擾,而躲起來或把自己關在安靜的地方。
  • She shut herself away in her room to work on her novel. 她把自己關在房間,以專心創作小說。
  • In the worst cases, sufferers can shut themselves away indoors, shunning all social contact. 在最嚴重的案例裡,患者能把自己關在屋內,躲避所有社交聯繫。

1 則留言:

  1. 請問大神 獨孤求敗 該用哪個詞彙更貼近其原意呢?
