2014年2月24日 星期一



  • Have you booked a table? 請問您有訂位嗎?
    Do you have a reservation? 請問您有預約嗎?
    • Yes. The name is Tom Cruise. I reserved a table for three at 8 pm. 有,名字是湯姆克魯斯,我訂了一張八點的桌子。
  • How many in your party? 請問有幾位?
    • Just me. 只有我一個。
      Party of two please! 總共兩個人。
      It'll be four of us. Three of us are here. But we're still waiting for one person to get here. 我們有四個人,三個人已經到了,可是我們還在等一個人來。
  • Your table is ready. This way, please. 你的桌子準備好了,請往這邊。
    Would you care for a table in a smoking or a nonsmoking area? 請問您想要在吸煙區還是禁煙區的位子?

  • Would you like to see the menu? 請問您要不要看菜單?
  • What can I get for you today? 今天要點什麼?
    Would you like to order now, Sir/Madam? 先生/小姐,要點餐了嗎?
    • I'd like two hamburgers, a large Coke and a large fries. 我想要兩個漢堡,一杯大可和一份大薯。
      I'll have the seafood combo. 我要點海鮮套餐。
      As an appetizer I'll have a salad and for the entree I'd like the roast beef. 前菜我要一份莎拉,主菜是烤牛肉。
      * 開胃菜美國用appetizer,英國用starter
  • What would you recommend? 你們推薦哪一道?
    • May I suggest that you try our roast beef? It's the specialty of the restaurant. 我推廣你試試看我們的烤牛肉,這道是我們餐廳的招牌菜。
    • The Grilled Chicken with Tomato Sauce is a good choice. 我推薦您選番茄醬烤雞。
  • What would you like to drink? 飲料要點什麼?
    What can I get you to drink? 要點什麼飲料?
    • I'd like a Sprite, please. But please hold the ice. 我想點一杯雪碧,幫我去冰,謝謝。Do you have free refills? 你們有免費續杯嗎?
  • For here or to go? 內用還是外帶?
    Dine in or carry out? 這邊用還是外帶?

Excuse me. I think you have made a mistake with my order. I didn't order lobster. 不好意思,我覺得你上錯菜了,我沒有點龍蝦。
This is not what I asked for. 我沒有點這道菜。
I think you messed up our order. 我想你搞混了我們點的菜。
I asked for no tomato and I ordered a shake, too. 我點的是沒有番茄的,而且我有點一杯奶昔。

  • Waiter, check, please. 服務生,我要結帳。
    Could you check us out, please? 可以幫我們結帳嗎?
  • How much does it come to? 總共多少?
    That comes to $4.25(four dollar twenty-five cents/ four twenty-five). 總共425分。
    Alright, that will be 11 dollars and 50 cents. 好的,總共是115角。
    Your total's gonna be eight ninety-two. 一共是892
  • Here's your receipt. 您的收據。

service charge 服務費
​service charge是額外加收的費用,不包含在產品或服務的定價裡。通常會和subject to連用,「be subject to...」意思是「遭受...;承受...」。
All prices are subject to 10% Service Charge. 定價外酌收10%服務費。
Room rates are subject to 15% service charge. 房間的費用並酌收15%服務費。
If you order the tickets by phone you have to pay a $2 service charge as well as $13.50 for each ticket. 如果透過電話訂票,除每張票13.5美元外,還須支付每張兩美元的服務費。


